Henry Glover
Birmingham, Alabama | Entrepreneur
About Henry Glover
Henry Glover is the founder of Red Rock Insurance Group from Birmingham, Alabama. Full of life and a thirst for learning, Henry describes himself as a self-starter, entrepreneur, and a bit of a tech nerd. He has had a drive for success from an early age, but it was his passion for building something from the ground up that pushed him to branch out on his own and run his own business.
Henry started from humble beginnings. At a young age, Henry dropped out of school and began working. He sold insurance to make a living until he could navigate the direction he wanted to take in life. This journey led Henry Glover of Birmingham, Alabama, back to college after he worked tirelessly to make ends meet and create some success. He attended Auburn University and quickly pursued a corporate position within the banking and investment industry. He went into banking expecting to make it a career, but got tired of all the “corporate shenanigans.” However, he knew starting something in insurance would be a wise play.
Henry spent many years learning about insurance and how to start a business. Spending so much time perfecting these talents was the best way to create something meaningful and successful. In 2009, Red Rock Insurance Group was founded in Birmingham, Alabama, and Henry Glover began carving out his rightful space within the local community and industry.
Red Rock Insurance currently operates as a small team with agents that service a variety of insurance needs. Handling everything from auto insurance to home insurance, Henry Glover and his team in Birmingham are well-rounded experts within their respective fields. The team of 11 is working to expand as their excellent customer service and work is becoming increasingly known within the Birmingham area. The company sell across the Southeast, and they are proud to have a larger footprint than just Birmingham.
Henry Glover always knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur, and he’s certainly grateful for every opportunity, misstep, and connection he’s experienced along the way. Henry believes that failure points you in the direction of success. He has never feared failure. In fact, he doesn’t even care about money, success or prestige. Instead, he strives for a challenge. Despite inevitable failures along the way, if you pursue a challenge, the money, fame and success will eventually follow.
Outside of running his business and maintaining client relationships, Henry Glover enjoys discovering new technology and even has some experience in designing his own programs. He’s passed this skill onto his loving daughter, who has seemed to pick up an interest in helping Henry put together spreadsheets at the young age of 8. Henry loves when he and his daughter can connect on his entrepreneurial and programming expertise, and, of course, simply when they can enjoy each other’s company.
Henry uses “betwixt” (an archaic term for “between”) as his handle for many things. This is because he is always pursing a challenge. The line for “work and play” sometimes gets blurred, therefore he is the happiest when he is somewhere “between” work and play.
Henry Glover currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama. To learn more about Henry, his business ventures, and to pick up on a few tips he’s learned throughout his career, stay tuned to his blog page, located here.

Read the latest blogs from Henry Glover
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How Organization Can Make You a More Effective Professional
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How to Cope with Abusive Clients
It’s no secret that customer service can directly impact their profit and overall success of a business. But that begs the question: Is the customer always right?